What is Sex Therapy?

Sex therapy is an opportunity for couples or individuals to discuss sexual issues and concerns in a safe, comfortable, and supportive environment. The therapeutic process usually involves inviting clients to gain a greater understanding of the meaning they have assigned to sex and their sexuality, understanding how other aspects of one’s life may be affecting this area of life, developing attainable goals to reach the changes desired, and working towards these goals through therapeutic conversation and out of session assignments.

If medical concerns related to the sexual issues are discovered within the initial sessions, the client will be encouraged to see a physician or specialist for examination or treatment. Sex therapy proceeds in conjunction with the medical personnel involved to help the client work towards realistic goals for change.

Why Sex Therapy?

Working with Couples
When difficult sexual issues present themselves, intimacy between partners often feels threatened. Therapy is an opportunity for couples to work through these issues in a way that can reconstruct the intimate connection. I consider it a privilege to witness some couples move from feeling embarrassment, hurt, or even resentment about these issues in their relationship to warmth, understanding, and relief.

Working with the Individual
Feeling comfortable with one’s sexuality often seems to be closely linked to self-esteem and a greater sense of well being. This comfort level can be increased by learning more about how physiological, psychological, societal, relational, spiritual, and emotional components may play a role in the sexual area of life. It is always encouraging for me to be a part of my clients’ journeys from seeing the sexual area of life as something to feel secretive or even embarrassed about to an area in which they find greater understanding of themselves, comfort and satisfaction.

Here are some of the concerns couples or individuals may bring to therapy:

  • Erectile difficulties
  • Ejaculation difficulties
  • Orgasm difficulties
  • Painful intercourse
  • Differing levels of sexual desire
  • Low sexual desire
  • Sexual dissatisfaction
  • Sexual addiction (including internet)
  • Sexual trauma
  • Trust after infidelity
  • Redefining sex through life’s stages
  • Sexual identity
  • Power and control issues
  • Body image and low self-esteem